The fairytale of a trailer–dude.
Once upon a time there was a trailer–dude. He managed quite a juggling act, but to sell trailers, was his favorite. Cellphones were still the flick–open kind, and social media was limited to the yellow pages. Through all his endeavors he dreamed of leaving his footprints in this world and making a difference wherever he goes. But how does one do that by selling trailers? So, day in and day out he made plans. He created marketing ideas. Hy did show after show. Since he was also a qualified teacher, he presented extra classes to kids, teaching them about the world, keeping his own fire going and making ends meet. Slowly the world started to change. Cellphones got cameras. You could message with more than 160 characters. The yellow pages were losing its appeal and suddenly we could connect with more and more people daily. For a few years this trailer–dude avoids the crazy tech hype, with his red rubber Samsung phone in his pocket he builds more and more trailers.
Bigger. Better. Stronger. He shifts his focus.
Clients start to notice. Clients start to refer. Clients start to return.
In due time his fairytale starts gaining colour. He exchanges his Samsung for a rugged CAT phone with a camera. He starts to explore the internet world. Ad–campaigns evolve into masterpieces, then the webpage followed. And suddenly the world became one through social media. His CAT phone gets replaced by a proper phone. And his dreams gain momentum.
Clients become agents. Agents become friends. Friends become family.
The more the internet world evolved, the stronger he forges his ties with the village closest to him. Without realizing, he leaves his footprints wherever he goes, making a difference in all he does. And 21 years later this trailer–dude discovers, regardless of the outcome of this fairytale, he already wrote his happy ever after.
Vtec Trailers and Tobie Venter, we congratulate you on 21 successful years in the industry. We salute the positive impact this company has made in the Vaal Triangle, and wish you many more years of favor!